R5xx Compositing or R6xx Blitter Acceleration Poll Closed
Posted by Hans de Ruiter
The poll that was run asking for input as to what should be developed next has now been closed. 151 votes were cast, of which 85 (56%) were for R5xx compositing and 66 (44%) were for R6xx blitter hardware acceleration. Given these results, R5xx compositing will be developed next.
This does surprise me a little, as I had expected the majority to want the best cards possible supported. My reasoning was that almost everyone would be buying one of these cards, since very few will have PCI Radeon HD (or X1000 series) cards lying around. Nevertheless, the smallish majority would like to see 2D support for one set of cards to be finished off fully. Whilst some would argue that the compositing is only used for eye candy; in future, I expect more software to take advantage of the alpha blending capabilities that compositing offers.
I would like to thank all those who took the time to vote. 151 voters shows that there is interest in this driver project. The next time that I create a poll, I will add a "don't know/don't care" so that those who are sitting on the fence can also vote.

Projects » Amiga OS 4 Projects » RadeonHD Driver » RadeonHD Development Log » R5xx Compositing or R6xx Blitter Acceleration Poll Closed
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Projects » Amiga OS 4 Projects » RadeonHD Driver » RadeonHD Development Log » R5xx Compositing or R6xx Blitter Acceleration Poll Closed