Relight - Photo Colour Correction Software
Posted by Hans de Ruiter

Back in February, I announced that I had founded a company, and was looking for beta testers for its first product. I've been hard at work since then, I am pleased to say that this first product is now available. Called Relight, the software is designed to fix the lighting/colour issues in photos quickly and easily. It specialises in this one task, making the user interface easy to understand and learn (unlike heavyweight image processing applications with their myriads of controls). For example, the photo on the right was taken indoors, and ended up looking rather red. Using Relight, this was corrected to produce the enhanced photo below it, and it only took a few seconds to do. As you can see, the colours have been corrected, and now look the way that they should.
A New Venture
Posted by Hans de Ruiter
I have a small confession to make: I had an ulterior motive when creating this website. Back then, I knew that I wanted to start and run my own company one day, and that the company's website would be a very important part of the overall system. In order to prepare for this, I wanted to learn how to run a website with online services; both the technical and human aspects (websites are, after all designed to be used by humans). So, this website served as the platform by which I could learn and experiment with building and running a website.