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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » SAM440ep and Radon PCI 9200 & 9250

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Author Topic:SAM440ep and Radon PCI 9200 & 9250 9716 Views
  • fastbit66
    Community Member
    2 Posts

    SAM440ep and Radon PCI 9200 & 9250 Link to this post

    Hello Hans!

    I have a SAM440ep Board with a Radeon 9200 PCI GFX card.
    Since AmigaOS4.1 Update3 I can use only 8 Bit ScreenModes - anything else in any resolution freezes completely the system.
    I tried a lot things I was told by the Hyperion message board forums but nothing solved the problem.

    With Updade2 I had no problems - could go up to 1920x1080@32.

    I baught a second RAdeon 9210 GFX card - same problem

    Then there was an older issue with minigl: I can't get it to work neither with the Radeon 9200 nor the 9250.

    After all I wrote a mail to Acube systems - rearding the Update3 problem.

    They told me 2 things:
    1. I shall try the graphics.library from update2 to look if this solvesthe sceenmodes problem.
    2. 3D doesn't work with 2 Radeon Cards. It's a limitation of the current state of AmigaOS 4.x
    And it is not possible to disable the M9 on-borad Radeon Card.

    Okay I didn't know that
    My on-borad M9 is broken that's why I baught the Radeon 9200.
    It's really a pitty to live without 3D but acceptable.

    Hans do you maybe know a GFX card that does work with 3D in the Sam440ep board?
    ANd do you think trying the gfx library from update2 could at least solve the sreenmodes problem with 2D operations?

    Thanx in advance for your time and work for AMIGA OS !!!!


  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: SAM440ep and Radon PCI 9200 & 9250 Link to this post

    Hi Andi,

    Unfortunately I have never used a Sam440ep, so I don't know anything about which graphics cards do and don't work with it.

    While it is not possible to disable the on-board Radeon M9, I think that you can select the PCI Radeon card to be the primary graphics card in UBoot. The primary graphics card is basically the graphics card that the boot-screen shows up on. With the PCI card as the primary, and no PCIGraphics monitor in DEVS:Monitors, you effectively have a one graphics card system and 3D should work. This is all in theory, of course, as I have no idea what will actually happen.

    Which graphics card does the boot screen currently show on? And what files do you have in DEVS:Monitors?


  • fastbit66
    Community Member
    2 Posts

    Re: SAM440ep and Radon PCI 9200 & 9250 Link to this post

    Hi Hans!

    Thanx a lot for your reply!

    That sounds interesting - I will try this out on weekend.
    In :Devs:Monitors I have a Radeon 9250 Monitor - it's the only one.


  • Spectre660
    Community Member
    54 Posts

    Re: SAM440ep and Radon PCI 9200 & 9250 Link to this post

    Hi Andi,

    I also have a problem with a Radeon 9250 in a Sam 440-flex and update 3 and we have exchanged observations on the Hyperion message boards.
    I don't have the card in the computer at the moment but it started to work ok last time i tried it.
    The only thing that I did was to reconnect my case fan at the back of my computer which blows air across the cpu.
    There are two theories about problems with the Sam machines and update 3.
    One is overheating of the CPU and the other is the sam440ep_setup patch from Acube.

    I have also been so far unable to get two PCI graphics cards to work at the same time in my Sam-flex.
    Either the 9250 card is indeed defective or one of the SAM permanent update has resulted in this as the same card did work in the second PCI slot when I got it earlier this year but did not last time I tried it. will keep you updated once my replacements etc show up.


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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » SAM440ep and Radon PCI 9200 & 9250